Instructors (Alphabetically by last name)
Erik H. Beard
International Ride Training, Managing Member and General Counsel
Erik H. Beard is Managing Member and General Counsel of International Ride Training LLC. He is an industry veteran of over 28 years both as an operator and an attorney. For nearly ten years, Erik held various positions in ride operations management at Cedar Point, Worlds of Fun, and Universal’s Islands of Adventure. Later, Erik began phase 2 of his career in the industry as an attorney, representing and advising the industry in a number of matters including compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act. Today, Erik’s work with IRT is singularly focused on ride and attraction safety and accessibility as one of the guiding forces behind the International Ride Operator Certification program and the creator of ADA FAQ: Disability Training for the Attractions Industry, the only accessibility compliance training aimed directly at front line staff.
Phil Castellano
Field Service Manager, Zamperla Inc.
Phil Castellno has been in the amusement industry for 25 years. I have been employed as Technical Service Manager at Zamperla performing many duties including installing, starting and troubleshooting the variety of rides that Zamperla provides. I provide complete training to customers on the inspection, maintenance troubleshooting and operation of Zamperla rides. When I am not in the field, I provide technical support and various information over the phone.
CW Craven
Skyride Enterprises Inc.
CW specializes in aerial passenger ropeway safety. He began his career in the amusement ride industry in 1990 as a Ride Controls Electrician at Great America Theme Park in Santa Clara, California. He has worked for Circus Circus Adventure Dome in Las Vegas, Garaventa CTEC (an aerial passenger ropeway manufacturer in Salt Lake City) and operates inspection and management companies responsible for attractions across the US, including the Washington and Oregon State Fairs. CW is devoted to teaching within the industry, and holds certifications from NAARSO, AIMS International, and several certifications related to his work as a volunteer firefighter. He is the recipient of the 2018 Jimmy Floyd Award from the ASTM F-24 committee on amusement rides, and the 2009 AIMS International John Allen award.
Ron Crespo
Fall Protection Specialist, 3M Company
Ron Crespo is a Fall Protection Specialist for 3M.
John Gehl
Elevator & Amusement Ride Safety Inspections, Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan
C.E.I.E.P.– Mechanics Certification
Elevator Mechanic/Local Rep/Adjuster
Inspector (AHJ), Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan
N.A.E.S.A. – Qualified Elevator Inspector
N.A.A.R.S.O.– Amusement Ride Inspector Level I
Selkirk College Ski Lift 151/152
Rachel Harper
Assistant General Manager, Castle Fun Park
Rachel Harper is the Assistant General Manager at Castle Fun Park in BC, Canada, and serves on the IAAPA Human Resources Committee. From Disney Cruise Line to circuses, amusement parks to FECs, Rachel has fun, making fun. Specialising in the streamlining of operations and development of culture, Rachel is passionate about creating experiences for both Guests and Team Members.
Joelle Javier
Engineer, Technical Standards & Safety Authority
Joelle is a graduate of the Materials Science Engineering Program at the University of Toronto and of the Masters in Mechanical Engineering program at Ryerson University. She is a NAARSO Level 1 Safety Inspector and AIMS Level 1 Safety Inspector. She is an active member of the ASTM F24 committee for Amusement Rides and Devices
Joelle has been an Engineer at the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) Elevating and Amusement Devices Safety Program for 9 years. She typically reviews amusement ride submissions for new devices and modifications. She also provides support to the Amusement Devices inspection team.
Matthew Keeler
Sr. Electrical Engineer [TUV Rheinland, P.Eng.]
Matthew Keeler is a senior electrical engineer from Hedgehog Technologies, an electrical engineering and risk management consulting firm. He’s also a functional safety engineer certified through TÜV Rheinland, an international gold standard in safety. Throughout his career, Matthew has delivered innovative projects ranging from designing military-grade submarines to electrical controls for the global attractions industry.
Brian Kerr
Senior Safety Officer, Electrical, Technical Safety BC
Senior Safety Officer for the Electrical Technology for Technical Safety BC
Started in trade in 1990. British Columbia Institute of Technology- Electricity and Industrial Electronics (Pre-Apprenticeship program)
- ITA accredited Red Seal Electrician
- Municipal Electrical Safety Officer (City of Surrey) 2006-2009
- Electrical Safety Officer (Inspector) with Technical Safety BC since 2009
- The International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI) Member
- Electrical Inspectors Association (EIA) of British Columbia Member
- Technical Safety BC Tech Talk Presenter
- Technical Safety BC Webinar presenter
- Lives and works in the Lower Mainland
Brian D. King
President, Recreation Engineering, Inc.
Brian D. King is the president of Recreation Engineering, Inc. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in
Mechanical Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology and Professional Engineer’s Licenses in
Illinois, Nevada and Florida. His consulting and research interests include instrumentation, electronics,
mechanical design, amusement rides, recreation equipment and general machine safety. He came to
REI with experience in operation and maintenance of amusement rides and devices. Mr. King has
testified to various states’ amusement ride safety boards and is an active member in the ASTM
International Committee which is responsible for writing and maintaining the nationally recognized
amusement ride standards.
Mr. King served as chairman of the ASTM International F-24 committee for
Amusement Rides and Devices. He served on the ISO technical committee TC254 for amusement rides. He also served on the board of directors of Amusement Industry Manufacturers and Suppliers International. He is the past chairman of the AIMS Certification Committee. Mr. King has written standard operating and maintenance procedures for the amusement ride industry. He has participated in on-site amusement ride safety and maintenance inspections for both private organizations and governmental agencies.
Mr. King is listed by Clark County, Nevada and the City of Las Vegas as an Amusement Ride QualityAssurance Inspector. His Professional Mechanical Engineering license allows Recreation Engineering,
Inc. to be an approved amusement ride quality assurance inspection agency for both Clark County and
the City of Las Vegas. He is a Level III (Senior) Certified Amusement Ride Safety Inspector by the
National Association of Amusement Ride Safety Officials. He is an AIMS International Certified
Maintenance Technician (Level II) and an AIMS Certified Operations Technician (Level II). Mr. King is a
Missouri State Authorized Amusement Ride Inspector and is a Florida State Authorized AmusementDevices and Amusement Attractions Inspector. He is recognized by the State of California as a Permanent Amusement Ride Quality Safety Inspector. He has prepared and presented curriculum at annual AIMS International amusement ride safety seminars and was presented the 2000 AIMS SafetySeminar Harold Chance Award for best presentation and the 2007 John Allen Award for the Most Outstanding Contribution to Amusement Ride Safety in the Park Industry. In 2007, he was presented the
Dr. Richard H. Brown Memorial Exceptional Service Award from the ASTM International F-24 Committee
for Amusement Rides and Devices. In 2016 he accepted the Award of Merit from ASTM International and was granted the honorary title of Fellow.
Mr. King has been consulted to render opinions in amusement ride and recreational equipment litigation as well as on general mechanical engineering issues. Mr. King has been a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Society of Safety Engineers, International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions, the American Society for Testing and Materials International and Amusement Industry Manufacturers and Suppliers International.
Timo Klaus
Executive Vice President, KumbaK The Amusement Engineers
Treasurer, AIMS International
As the co-founder and Executive Vice President of KumbaK, Timo is leading his team of engineers in the upgrading of existing amusement rides and providing technical assistance to the various operators and owners of attractions. It is his passion to assist these ride operators and owners in finding the best ways forward in keeping their older attractions safely and successfully in operation.
Timo has been involved in the amusement industry since 1 January 2000. Before his involvement in the amusement industry, he was the sales and service manager in The Netherlands for NEG Micon (later acquired by Vestas Wind Systems). Timo started his career as a development engineer for Stork Pumps in Brussels, Belgium.
Timo has been involved with AIMS International since attending his first safety seminar in 2008 as a presenter. Since then, he has been presenting various different classes during the AIMS Safety Seminars, including a class on bearings, chains, blueprints for pneumatics & hydraulics and engineering.
In 2011, Timo was voted onto the AIMS Board of Directors and in 2012 was elected as Second Vice-President. After being promoted to First Vice President in 2014, he was the President of AIMS International from April 1, 2015 until March 31, 2017. Currently, Timo is AIMS Internationals Treasurer.
Timo is a graduate of Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands with a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and also holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium.
David Looney
Senior Safety Officer, Passenger Ropeway and Amusement Devices, Technical Safety BC
I have been involved in the amusement ride and ski lift industry since 1979, during that time I have inspected, operated, constructed, commissioned all types and classes of amusement rides and passenger ropeways. I am also a red seal millwright by trade and have previously taught courses for NAARSO, AIMS, CWSAA and Selkirk College.
Since 1999 I have been a inspector (safety officer, safety codes officer) for the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta. Currently I am a Senior Safety Officer for Passenger Ropeway and Amusement Devices with Technical Safety BC based out of Comox, BC.
Dean McKernon
VP Operations, Alberta Elevating Devices and Amusement Ride Safety Association
Dean has worked for AEDARSA for 18 years, prior experience of 15 years in the ski industry as a Lift Maintenance and Operations supervisor.
A Red Seal Journeyman Millwright, Safety Codes officer for Elevators, Passenger Ropeways and Amusement Rides, and is a QEI certified Elevator Inspectors.
Committee Member of:
- CSA Z98 Passenger Ropeway and Passenger Conveyors Code Committee
- ASTM F24
- ASTM F 2783 Canadian Code Committee
- OITAF/ITTAB Member (International Organization for Transportation by Rope
- Safety Codes Council (Ab.) -Advisory role on Elevators, Passenger Ropeway and Amusement Rides Subcouncils
Develops and delivery of training programs presentations for ED/PRWYS/AR to:
- TSSA Amusement Ride forum
- World Elevator Congress, Shanghai China
- OITAF General Meeting Singapore
Experienced in construction, maintenance, operations, inspections, and code compliance. Combined with industry experiences with development and enforcement of Regulations and Codes Dean can provide a knowledge base, understanding and perspective of all aspects of the topic.
Sandy Millar, CRM
Managing Partner, EQUA Specialty Risk
Sandy Millar leads EQUA Specialty Risk Partners’ Sport & Recreation practice. As an insurance broker and risk manager, Sandy brings technical expertise as well as practical industry experience to his clients. Over his seventeen-year insurance career he has developed specialization in sport and recreation insurance, and he is uniquely qualified within this market. His passion for the sector is driven by a lifetime of experience in sport, as a competitive skier, coach, and instructor, as well as his varied career experience.
Sandy regularly contributes to industry events and conferences, providing content on a variety of safety & risk management topics. Topics covered have included the use of waivers of liability in defending claims, cyber liability for recreation operators, incident investigation, and facility risk management. Sandy is valued by clients and within the industry as a trusted advisor.
Ross Muirhead
General Manager, Inter-Mtn. Testing Ltd.
Ross Muirhead is a 15-year NDT technician specializing in Wire Rope inspection and maintenance. Ross is the General Manager of Inter-Mtn Testing, a 35-year-old company with extensive experience in non-destructive testing, wire rope inspection and maintenance across Canada. Ross has worked around the globe inspecting wire ropes in different applications, onshore and offshore. He has received training from renowned organizations in the UK, such as LEEA and Carl Stahl, and is an accredited wire rope inspector to ISO standard 4309 for wire ropes. Ross believes wire ropes are critical components that require specific care and attention and is passionate about educating and learning with operators and technicians about the workings of wire ropes in their applicable systems. Ross values the sharing of insights and experiences to better the wire rope community.
Michael Pilato
Technical Leader, Electrical, Technical Safety BC
Technical Leader for the Electrical Technology for Technical Safety BC
Started in trade in 1991. ITA accredited Red Seal Electrician
Electrical Safety Officer (Inspector) with Technical Safety BC since 2004
Current 2nd Vice President – Canadian Section of the International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI)
Current President – BC Chapter of the IAEI
Canadian Advisory Council Electrical Safety (CACES) member
CACES vice chair of the Regulatory Authority Committee
Member of the Canadian Electrical Code Part I
- Sections 10 vice chair
- Section 22 member
- Section 30 vice chair
- Section 34 chair
Member of the SPE-1000 (Model code for the field evaluation of electrical equipment) technical subcommittee
Member of the Technical Committee on Industrial Products (TCIP)
Lives and works in the Interior of BC in Kelowna
Robin Santos
Manager, Elevator & Amusement Ride Safety Inspections, Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan
C.E.I.E.P.– Mechanics Certification
Elevator Mechanic/Local Rep/Adjuster
Inspector (AHJ), Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan
N.A.E.S.A. –Elevator Inspector Supervisor
N.A.A.R.S.O.– Amusement Ride Inspector Level I
AIMS-Amusement de Inspector Level I
Selkirk College Ski Lift 151/152
Sonny Silvia
Regional Supervisor, Elevating Devices, Technical Standards & Safety Authority
Sonny is currently a Regional Supervisor at Technical Standard and Safety Authority the designated AHJ for Amusement Devices in Ontario, Canada. He has been the Amusement Device Technical Specialist for the organization for the past 7 years and leading a team of over 40 amusement ride inspectors. After completing schooling as an Electro-Mechanical Technician, he started his career at Canada’s Wonderland as Ride Mechanic.
Sonny holds a current Amusement Ride Mechanic Licence in Ontario, NAARSO Level (III) Inspector, AIMS Level (II) Inspector, Certified QEI Inspector (elevator) licence and is an ASTM F24 member along with the inspector representative in TSSA’s Amusement Ride Advisory Council.
He has a dedication for influencing change with a cooperative approach to education and inclusiveness to both AHJ’s and Industry.
Peter Sorensen
Senior Safety Officer, Technical Safety BC
Peter worked as an inspector for TSSA from 2003 to 2016 before transferring to his current position as a Senior Safety Officer with Technical Safety BC in 2016. His current role focuses on amusements, passenger ropeways and elevating devices. He has held his Millwright ticket since 1993 and currently holds certifications in NAARSO level 2 and QEI (Qualified Elevator Inspector). In addition, Peter has been an ASTM membership since 2012 and is a committee member for both the F24.60 and F24.61 working groups as well as a sub-committee member for F2959.
Peter is also an active member of the following:
- QEI Committee
- Escalator & Moving Walk Committee
- CSA B355, Platform, lifts & stair lifts for barrier free access
- ASME A17.1/ CSA B44- Inspections Committee
Cam Surine
Technical Leader, Passenger Ropeways and Amusement Rides, Technical Safety BC
Cam has held various roles with Technical Safety BC over the last 8 years including those in field operations, operations leadership, and technical leadership. He is currently the Technical Leader of Passenger Ropeways and Amusement Rides for Technical Safety BC. He is a Red Seal Electrician and Millwright with 20 years of experience in electrical, ropeway and facility maintenance.
Chris Szymiec
Lead Instructor, 3M Safety Training, 3M Company (Chris Szymiec)
Chris Szymiec is a lead Instructor for 3M Safety Training (formerly Fall Protection
Group Inc.), having joined the company in 2013. Chris is involved with the delivery of end user and certified instructor programs, and plays a crucial role in the design and development of many of our training programs. Chris has delivered training to a variety of industries, companies, and locations, including theatres as well as training at the Pacific National Exhibition. Prior to joining, Chris worked as both a high angle and confined space rescue technician in a variety of industries throughout Canada. Chris’ rope and rescue specific skillset is bolstered by his vast experience working as an expedition leader in the high mountains of the world. While the equipment and skills may be different, the idea of always coming home safely has been Chris’ key message to anyone he works with. Chris is a well-rounded safety professional who brings real life experience and theoretical knowledge to the classroom with the occasional story of conquests or maybe even a photo of his cat to keep everyone entertained.
Andreas Tanzer
Director, Research and Design & Standards, Proslide Technology Inc.
Director of Research & Design, has been with ProSlide Technology since its inception, more than 34 years ago. Water has been a recurring theme throughout Andreas’ life. His father, Johann Tanzer, was a Master boat builder who grew Tanzer Industries into one of the largest sailboat manufacturers in Canada. It was knowledge from his father’s pioneering work with fiberglass — a ground-breaking new material at that time – as well as his commitment to proper design practices and a focus on safety that Andreas took with him into the work world.
In is 35 years with ProSlide, Andreas has held progressively more senior roles in water ride design and development. He started as a slide designer, introducing computer-aided design (CAD) to the company. In his first 25 years, Andreas worked closely with Rick Hunter, ProSlide’s CEO and owner, putting his vision and innovation ‘on paper’ and moving it into the engineering and manufacturing stages. Andreas has worked side by side with Rick on notable award-winning industry changing rides like the ProSlide “MAMMOTH”, “TORNADO”, “BehemothBOWL”, “ProRACER” and most recently the “HydroMAGNETIC Coaster” rides ensuring that safety and excitement were maintained.
One of the most satisfying elements of his career has been the opportunity to meet the pioneers of the water park industry and their passion for safety in the industry. A particular highlight was a 10 day/22 park road trip in 2002, that he embarked on with his wife Louise, daughter Sarah and son Xavier.
Member of ASTM F24 committee for over eighteen years, Andreas was the Task Group Chair for ASTM on water slides which went on to create and publish the ASTM F2376 standard for waterslides in 2006, which is now used in North America and accepted internationally. As well, Andreas was the ASTM Task Group chair for Aquatic Play Structures which also became the ASTM F2461 Standard for Aquatic Play structures. Andreas has received the WWA Kelly Ogle Memorial Safety Award in 2009 and recently was presented with the 2015 Kelly Ogle Memorial Award once again for his work on ensuring Waterpark industry safety. Andreas currently sits as the Vice Chairman of the ASTM F24 Executive Committee, ensuring that the Water Ride industry and its overall safety is well represented and informed.
Now a grandfather, Andreas has even more reason to make sure that the industry grows and thrives so his grandsons can enjoy it as much as he still does! Andreas’ Quote: “We build excitement into every element of our rides. Every turn, drops, curves – absolutely everything – contributes to ride performance while maintaining safety”
Thomas Tenkate
Associate Professor, School of Occupational & Public Health, Ryerson University
Thomas Tenkate is an Associate Professor and was Director (2011 to 2020), School of Occupational and Public Health at Ryerson University. He has worked in Australia, the USA and in Canada in the fields of environmental health, public health and occupational health and safety. He has been in academia for 18 years, and prior to this he worked in a variety of government roles for 10 years. Originally qualified as an environmental health officer, he also gained qualifications in industrial hygiene, management, education, and risk management, including a Doctor of Public Health from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA. He has been active in professional societies, including a period as national president of Environmental Health Australia. He was project lead for the Sun Safety at Work Canada project, the first a pan-Canadian project focusing on sun safety and skin cancer prevention in workplaces. His ongoing research interest is occupational exposure and risk management of sun exposure for outdoor workers.
David Wells
Auton Engineering
David is a Professional Mechanical Engineer. His career has taken him from working as a hydraulic service technician, to becoming an engineer doing mechanical / hydraulic system design and steel construction, into computer science, to machine automation. Along the way there were side detours into television, movies, water ski boats and scuba diving instruction. He currently provides engineering support to two amusement parks, and several traveling shows for issues involving, hydraulics, steel defects and control system issues. David is an AIMS Level 2 CRI.
Donnelly Williams
Business Development Manager, Altec Integrated Solutions
Donnelly is a professional engineer that has been involved in the design, construction, and commissioning of attractions in the entertainment industry for the last 14 years. He has worked on large scale attractions in the following engineering roles: Mechanical Engineer, Sr. Mechatronics Engineer, and Sr. Project Manager
Donnelly holds a Mechanical Engineering degree, an Electrical Engineering Technology Diploma and 5 years’ experience as a Sr. Project Manager
Altec is an ISO certified company that has been involved in the entertainment industry since 2003, and Altec’s control systems can be found on some of the premier attractions at theme parks around the world such as Universal Studios Orlando, Universal Studios Hollywood, Universal Studios Japan, and many more in Europe, the Middle East, and China. In addition to providing new rides, Altec has also been involved in the obsolescence upgrade and/or replacement of attractions of all sizes.
Kathryn Woodcock
Director, Thrill Laboratory, Ryerson University
Dr. Kathryn Woodcock, CCPE, ICAE, P.Eng., is Professor at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada involved in unique extracurricular training, research, and knowledge mobilization activities focused on human factors of amusement rides and attractions pertaining to guests, operators, and inspectors. Her work has been presented in over 75 peer-reviewed publications and over 200 industry and professional publications and presentations. Dr. Woodcock consults to designer/manufacturers and owner/operators and is also a member of TEA, IAAPA, Ontario TSSA Amusement Devices Advisory Council, Executive Committee of ASTM Committee F24, and the Board of Directors of AIMS International.
Michael Wrinch
Founder & CEO, Hedgehog Technologies [PMP, TUV Rheinland, P.Eng.]
Dr. Michael Wrinch is an energized and accountable leader who founded Hedgehog Technologies, an electrical engineering consulting firm. For twenty years, Michael has managed innovative projects and designed electrical systems for renewable energy grids, military-grade submarines, and world class amusement rides. He is the past president of Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia (EGBC) and is currently on the board of directors for Engineers Canada. With a strong foundation of ethical practices, Michael delivers safety-critical projects through a risk management process that continues to serve the attractions industry.
Cristian Zanfir
Assistant Manager Standards, Canadian Welding Bureau Group
Cristian Zanfir joined CWB Group in 2004 when started his new career as a Certification Representative in Ontario region. During his career with the CWB Group he’s held several roles like Procedure Verification Engineer, Supervisor Ontario Operations, Supervisor Procedure Verification Engineer and Electrodes Certification Department. Today, Cristian is working for the Office of Public Safety of the CWB Group as Assistant Manager Standards. He’s main role is to contribute to developing standards within many standards’ committees of the AWS, ASME, CSA and ISO organizations.
Cristian earned his Bachelor of Engineering in Welding in Romania and after 4 years of experience as Field Engineer, he decided to relocate to Canada. During the 4 years of work in Romania he gained welding experience in the field of pipeline and other many applications available in refineries and petrochemical plants. He is also held a Level 2 Visual Welding Inspector.