Wooden Rollercoaster, PNE

Investigating Human Performance / Error

Presenter’s Name

Kathryn Woodcock

Instructor Bio Dr. Kathryn Woodcock, CCPE, ICAE, P.Eng., is Professor at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada involved in unique extracurricular training, research, and knowledge mobilization activities focused on human factors of amusement rides and attractions pertaining to guests, operators, and inspectors. Her work has been presented in over 75 peer-reviewed publications and over 200 industry and professional publications and presentations. Dr. Woodcock consults to designer/manufacturers and owner/operators and is also a member of TEA, IAAPA, Ontario TSSA Amusement Devices Advisory Council, Executive Committee of ASTM Committee F24, and the Board of Directors of AIMS International.
Track Maintenance, Inspector & Operations
Presentation synopsis Investigating Human Performance / Error
Despite the attribution of 80% of rider injuries to human error, most accident investigations record little about the origins of the human performance failure. Different types of error require different types of countermeasures so this lack of detail hinders prevention.
This course reviews error typology and mechanisms of different types of error, goals for minimal investigation and documentation required for injury-producing or near-miss occurrences involving errors or “performance failure”, and tools for consistent collection of information essential for later analysis and prevention planning. Participants will apply tools to example cases for hands-on exploration.
Participants will learn: problem with causal conclusions of human error; typology of errors; mechanisms of errors; prevention matched to type of performance failure; essential information to help analysis of individual case and collect useful aggregated information.